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Many DUI / Drunk Driving Cases in Southern California May Be In Jeopardy

According to the Los Angeles Daily Journal, thousands of cases (including DUI / Drunk Driving cases)in San Diego, Riverside and San Bernardino counties may be impacted by a forensic alcohol analyst who wasworking fora private laboratory for over two years. The forensic alcohol analyst was fired in February, 2009. Apparently, this forensic alcohol analystpreviouslywas not being truthful hundreds of times while working at a Colorado lab eight years ago.

One county judge has ordered the private laboratory who has contracted toprovide forensic alcohol analysiswith San Deigo, Riverside and San Bernardino countiesto provide a detailed list of thousands of cases the fired forensic alcohol analystworked onwhile he was employed there.

In addition, at least two county prosecutors offices have and are still compiling information on cases the fired forensic alcohol analyst was involved with.