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Myles L. Berman DUI / Drunk Driving Case Of The Week 1/23/12 #3

Our client was observed by 2 police officers collide into the rear bumper of a car that was stopped for a red light. Client used the car for balance in getting out of car.

Officer observed a strong odor of alcohol, bloodshot and water eyes. Client admitted to drinking 3 beers. Client then failed 4 field sobriety tests and was arrested for a second DUI / Drunk Driving charge within 10 years. After being arrested, client took a blood test with the result of a .19. After a jury trial, client was found not guilty of both driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a .08 or greater in the blood. (The case results posted on this page do not guarantee the success or outcome of your case. Every DUI case is unique and the results may vary from case to case.)